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Showing posts from December, 2013

Thank Goodness!

Let me start by saying all of my tests of come back and I have been given the all clear from the doctors! Phew!  I can't say how stressed I was over the whole thing! I actually got word last week, but I am only just coming out of a 10 day viral haze.  I haven't been so sick in ages!  I didn't move off the couch the whole time.  The stress probably wore me down.  Either that or I picked something up on one of the many doctor/hospital visits I've had lately.  What ever I picked up was nasty!  I had some sort of virus that caused a throat infection with painful ulcers.  I wasn't able to eat much more than jell-o for the best part of a week!  The upside is I lost a good amount of weight and hey, it's not fatal so I can't complain can I? I've been catching up on Christmas preparations (and every day life), but wanted to make sure I gave an update!  Thank you so much for all the well wishes!