Synopsis: Budo is Max's imaginary friend. But though only Max can see him, he is real. He and the other imaginary friends watch over their children until the day comes that the child stops imagining them. And then they're gone. Budo has lasted a lot longer than most imaginary friends - four years - because Max needs him more. His parents argue about sending him to a special school. But Max is perfectly happy if everything is just kept the way it is, and nothing out of the ordinary happens. Unfortunately, something out of the ordinary is going to happen - and then he'll need Budo more than ever...
My Thoughts: I bought this book based on both the unique story line and reviews I read and I can't say I am sorry that I did, but I also can't I say it completely gripped me. For me it was one of those reads that you enjoy on some level but it doesn't make you want to add the author to your list of must buys.
I just think as much as I wanted to, I didn't really buy into the imaginary friend thing as much as others seemed to have in the reviews I read. It got great reviews and people loved it, but I can't say I connected emotionally the way others seemed to. That being said, I never lost interest in it. I read most of it in the Emergency Room the night I was admitted to the hospital. It was a real life saver sitting there for all those hours by myself among the sick and wounded. It was a well written, sweet story that was a real easy read, but for me it just didn't have the impact I'd expect from a book with such good reviews.