Synopsis: The Story of Pi - a boy brought up on a zoo in India. Pi’s father decides to move the family to live in Canada and sell the animals to the great zoos of America. The ship taking them across the Pacific sinks and Pi finds himself on a lifeboat with a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra with a broken leg and a Bengal tiger called.
My husband bought me this for Christmas. I started it and gave up a few weeks ago. I was just bored by the first part of the book (before the ship sinks). I am so glad I went back to it because it was definitely worth reading. I've been thinking about it since I finished it. There was a twist at the end that made a good (albeit grim) book into a great book. I may go back and read it again now that I know the full story.
The back cover has a blurb that describes the story as 'uplifting'. I didn't find anything about this book uplifting. This book is not for the fainthearted. It's disturbing and at times, gruesome, but if you're the type that tends to continue to mull books over after you've put them down, this one will not disappoint.