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Showing posts from 2006

One week to go

What a trying few weeks it's been for me. I've been really busy with my beauty business which is good, but not great for my web design training because I just don't have the time to dedicate to it that I'd like to. Not to mention the fact that I've had some issues with my latest web project that I've been unable to resolve and it's done a number on my confidence. I'm really starting to feel like I have no right trying to do it professionally. I must admit I've avoided going back to that project for at least a week. I have an ad in the yellow pages that's supposed to come out next month, I think it's too late to pull it and I really think I've bitten off more than I can chew... On top of that - I've had some family issues that have been really draining for me. I've taken a stand of sorts with my family that has taken more strength than I thought it would and although I'm really proud of myself for doing it - it's been...

Home for three weeks!

Well, our trip home for Christmas is all set and paid for. The best part is that I paid for the entire trip with MY money that I earned with my new business!! Our 2 week trip that was costing a small fortune, is now a 3 week trip that ended up cheaper than it was before (it's still cost several thousand but every bit saved is a bonus)! Because it's cheaper to fly on dates that aren't so close to the holidays, I've saved quite a bit of money. I used to pay for the hotel again. It's such a great service that I use when ever I can. Although, there are some downsides to it. This is how it works - you choose the area and the rating of the hotel you want to stay in and then make a bid of how much you want to pay. They search for hotels that are willing to accept your offer and either accept or deny it. I always start dirt cheap and work my way up slowly until I reach my max budget. The good news is that I got a 3-star hotel suite (complete with kit...

Gray’s Anatomy

I just finished watching Gray’s Anatomy (we’re on the second season here – no spoilers please!) and once again, I sat on the edge of my seat watching it. What a great show. It’s strange how many storylines on the show, shadow similar things that have happened to me (although I’m not, nor will I ever be a doctor or work in a hospital) – some of the family issues, the close friend that confesses his undying love (although I lost the friend and didn’t end up in bed with him), the dreamy ex with the wife that has the look of love in his eyes every time he’s near – that look that makes me want to yell at the screen: Stop looking at her like that! You lost the right to look at her like that! While another part of me is hoping he’ll just kiss her and get it over with so that she’ll get the guy. If she marries a man she’s not in love with, rebounds to an abusive alcoholic and then finds love and a happy ending with a European man – I’ll start to worry. I guess that’s what makes the sho...

I can see clearly now

It’s funny what inspires – for me, more than anything, its music. I’ve had nothing to say for weeks (probably because I’ve had so much on my mind, it’s difficult to find the words to say what it is I’m going through), but I hear a song and suddenly I’m compelled to write… I can see clearly now by Jonny Nash was just played on my NY radio station (they sure do play some cheesy music). From the first line of the song, I was struck by a memory that I had long forgotten. When I was 17, I met my first love (it feels like a lifetime ago and yet some things I can still remember like it was yesterday). We met in early summer and I was immediately swept off my feet by this larger than life, blue eyed boy that made you smile just being near him. Looking back, I think it’s what drew me to him. It wasn’t his charm (sure it helped), it wasn’t his looks (although he was easy on the eyes) – it was his presence. He had a way about him that just made you smile. He was always smiling and it was...

Bonfire Night

Tonight is Bonfire Night (aka Guy Fawkes Night). Bonfire Night is a holiday (that's a bit sick and twisted) celebrated in England. It is a celebration of the capture of Guy Fawkes and stopping his plot (known today as the Gunpowder plot) to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar of the parliament with the 36 barrels of gunpowder when the authorities stormed it, was caught, tortured, hung and quartered. The tradition of Guy Fawkes-related bonfires began that very same year (400 years ago). Londoners who knew little more than that their King had been saved, lit bonfires in celebration. As years progressed, the ritual became more elaborate. Soon, people began placing dummies of Guy Fawkes and sometimes those of the Pope onto bonfires, and fireworks were added to the celebrations. Still today, some communities throw dummies of both Guy Fawkes and the Pope on the bonfire (and even those of a contemporary politician or two), although the...

Drama Queen

There's a segment on the radio station I listen to (BBC Radio One) that's called Laura's diary, where the sister of one of the girls on the show calls in and reads her diary from when she was a young girl (high school/university age). This morning's entry was really funny. It was as if someone was reading out of my diary from that time in my life - it was ever so dramatic (but at that age isn't everything?) - Ben (her first boyfriend/serious relationship) decided he wanted to go back to school as a single guy when he went off to university and she stayed with him the rest of the summer (the stupid, stupid girl)... When I was around that age, my childhood sweetheart (we'll call him Jonny

The Star Spangled Banner

The following is an excerpt from the book I'm writing.  It's the first genuinely fictional part that I've written.  I need feedback so please feel free to comment.  Is the writing clear?  Is the scene set well, does the dialogue work?  The only background I'll give is that the characters are teenagers.  I should also say that it contains adult themes so if you are under age or offended by such things, you should stop here... After it got dark, the boys lit a fire on the beach and we sat around it.   Noelle and Scott sat close on a piece of driftwood, Tyler sat in the sand looking bored and started digging with a plastic cup. I sat on a blanket between Ashley’s legs, laying my back against his chest and my head on his shoulder.   He wrapped his arms around me and put his face close to mine.   With the fire burning and not a care in the world, I couldn’t remember feeling more at ease. Sloan walked up and the atmosphere changed. ...

The Party

The following short story is fiction, but based on actual events.  The names have been changed or omitted to protect the guilty... The air was thick with smoke. The place smelled of cigarettes, stale beer, and a hint of pot.   I wondered to myself if this was what all parties were like after high school.   The apartment was tiny and it seemed impossible to have so many people in it.   I worked my way through the crowd and started to wonder how Tyler talked me into this. What if he’s not happy to see me?   What if he’s not here?   How will I get home?   I don’t even know where I am! And then I saw him.   He was standing tucked in the corner with a pretty blond girl.   The sight of their close proximity made my heart drop.   Is this what Tyler had in mind when he dropped me off?   I wanted to step between them and state my claim, but I couldn’t move.   My feet stayed rooted to the spot and all I could do was stand there and w...

Expat section changes...

As a part of my web design training, is going to go through a bit of a re-vamping. As a party of this, there will be a couple of things added to the expat section like a US to UK English translation guide (just for fun) and a general information section for Americans living in the UK ie- finding your comforts from home (like mastering cooking in the UK and making the most of the TV guide so you don't miss any of your favorite American TV shows). I'd like to expand the expats section to eventually be a resource for Americans moving to or living in the UK, so if you're a fellow expat and have an idea of some things to include please let me know - I'd love to hear from you. Also, please keep in mind that these changes will be very slow moving as I'll be doing it in my free time or as I move into new material in my web training.

The soundtrack of our lives...

I'm listening to my radio station from back home (as I do in the morning before either starting my work for the day or going to the gym). Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield just came on and I instantly blasted it (I know that makes me a geek, but I never claimed to be cool). Now that's a song I KNOW I wouldn't hear on BBC Radio One and that's why I keep coming back to this station. I hear this song and it makes me think of any number of things - dancing and singing into my hairbrush as a child, laughing with my first love as we admitted to each other we both loved it and singing along with my friends as it played at my favorite bar when I got older... It's a song that is just a part of my life's history and has to be played loud :-) Music can invoke feelings that nothing else can. It can actually transport you back in time to a place that was long forgotten before you heard that song. It can give you happy memories that can actually make you laugh out lo...

The soundtrack of our lives...

I'm listening to my radio station from back home (as I do in the morning before either starting my work for the day or going to the gym). Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield just came on and I instantly blasted it (I know that makes me a geek, but I never claimed to be cool). Now that's a song I KNOW I wouldn't hear on BBC Radio One and that's why I keep coming back to this station. I hear this song and it makes me think of any number of things - dancing and singing into my hairbrush as a child, laughing with my first love as we admitted to each other we both loved it and singing along with my friends as it played at my favorite bar when I got older... It's a song that is just a part of my life's history and has to be played loud :-) Music can invoke feelings that nothing else can. It can actually transport you back in time to a place that was long forgotten before you heard that song. It can give you happy memories that can actually make you laugh out lo...

Random Thoughts

It's been a hot September. I don't remember the summer lasting this long last year. It's supposed to go up to 80 degrees (27 celcius) today. It's hot already and again, I'm wishing I had air conditioning. I laugh to myself every time I have to move the fan over by my desk just to try to stay cool while sitting here (as if I've moved to some antiquated country). Unfortunately, the fan doesn't help much in the rest of the house. I've learned to do my laundry early in the day (that damn machine lets off a lot of heat), take cool showers and to cook later in the day (although that kitchen is always like a sauna). Wayne built a contraption using some copper wire along the top of the fence in the back yard that's supposed to keep the cats from being able to get over it (Luka learned how to a few weeks ago) so I can keep the door open during the day and open some windows. His contraption was unsuccessful because earlier this week, I had to watch with...

Random Thoughts

It's been a hot September. I don't remember the summer lasting this long last year. It's supposed to go up to 80 degrees (27 celcius) today. It's hot already and again, I'm wishing I had air conditioning. I laugh to myself every time I have to move the fan over by my desk just to try to stay cool while sitting here (as if I've moved to some antiquated country). Unfortunately, the fan doesn't help much in the rest of the house. I've learned to do my laundry early in the day (that damn machine lets off a lot of heat), take cool showers and to cook later in the day (although that kitchen is always like a sauna). Wayne built a contraption using some copper wire along the top of the fence in the back yard that's supposed to keep the cats from being able to get over it (Luka learned how to a few weeks ago) so I can keep the door open during the day and open some windows. His contraption was unsuccessful because earlier this week, I had to watch with...

In case I go quiet...

I had an argument with my brother yesterday. I called to say hi and ended up getting an angry lecture on how much I've disappointed the family by moving to England. He said I 'fucked' the family by leaving. The only thing he repressed was how wrong I was for marrying a British man apposed to someone American (which he alluded to). He ended up hanging up on me. It was an unprovoked attack brought on by my saying no to his suggestion of going back to visit without my husband (anyone who knows me knows that a visit without Wayne would be like throwing myself to the wolves without any protection). I've been quietly sick to my stomach since he hung up. I have so much I can say about it and how horribly disappointed I am by my family since I left and how let down I've always been by them. I know they all share in his sentiment - he's just the only one who has said it out loud (although my mother has come close). The thing is that he acts as if they have always...

What do I miss most?

Since moving here, the one question I get asked really often is 'What do you miss most?' I think a lot of people think this is a fun and safe question and they are probably hoping to hear something about what it's like to live in America. With this in mind, I usually give them an answer about missing my favorite foods and tell stories about my fist visits to the Supermarkets in England and how strange it was to recognize almost nothing on the shelves.. Although I do miss my favorite foods and would love to get a care package filled with all the goodies I can't get here (it's such a shame the shipping costs so damned much), it's not at all the honest answer. What do I miss most? That's a really hard question to answer... I miss my dog. I still find it hard to hold back the tears when ever I see a Jack Russell Terrier and it's just my luck that I moved to the country that the little dogs come from! He's a special little dog and even though I know ...

A blast from the past...

I got the most bazaar email today from my ex-husband confessing his undying love for me. We had a strange relationship. We were together for nearly 10 years. When we met, I was in love with someone else (someone who was no longer an active participant in my life, but I still loved all the same) and was very honest about that fact. When we moved in together that fact still hadn't changed and when we married years later, I was still in love with someone else. He knew it, I knew it and yet we got married anyway. I think we both thought it was just a part of who I was. It was just one of those things - my favorite color was purple, I loved photography, was a really good cook and I just happened to be in love with someone else. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I didn't love my ex-husband. I did, but we were really more like great friends than anything else, so I forgave him when he cheated and he forgave me for loving someone else for as long as we were together. W...

Bank Holiday Weekend

This weekend is a long holiday weekend here in the UK. Don't ask me what the holiday is because nobody seems to ever know what holiday their celebrating. They just refer to it as 'Bank Holiday Monday'. Wayne's sister and family will be coming for the weekend. I'm honestly not looking to forward to it. It's not like I don't like them, but this house is way too small for six people and two cats. Last time they came, it took me days to recover! Nancy, Wayne's niece (and I guess mine too) who's turning 6 next month, LOVES me. When ever she's around she doesn't leave my side for even a second. The child even follows me to the bathroom. Not a mother myself, using the bathroom in front of a small child is a bit unnerving for me, so I've had to find creative ways to distract her so I can sneak away for a bit of privacy. I've bought some arts and crafts projects for us to do together so I don't spend the entire time drawing pict...

His old T-shirt

This morning when my husband woke me up to kiss me good-bye, he was wearing a T-shirt that he used to wear when we first got together - a shirt that I ended up wearing a lot too. Every time I see it, it reminds me of when we first got together and those first weeks when we fell in love. I told him, you can

Bring it...

While on the treadmill today, there she was again walking toward me - Ms Perfect - The blond with the flowing hair and full face of make-up. She got on the treadmill next to me (as she often does) and I thought 'Damn you, go away' I had already done my weight training for over an hour and had been doing cardio for about 15 minutes when she walked up in her bright pink fitness outfit that just screamed - look at me. As she started walking, I raised the level on my treadmill so not to be out done. She looked at me and raised hers and she started jogging slowly. I thought, ok- 'bring it' and I too started jogging. Every few minutes, she'd raise her speed and I'd raise mine and within 10 minutes I was sorry I ever started it. The difference between me and her is (besides her rock hard abs, long legs and tiny hips) is that she's about 20 years old and in perfect condition and I'm thirty-something, just started my fitness program in April and although ...

My big night out

It's 8:30 in the morning, I think I'm still partially drunk from last night and couldn't sleep. It was my big night out last night. My first night since moving to this country that I was invited out by people I met on my own and didn't know my husband. Getting ready, I was really nervous. When I get nervous, my body temperature must rise at a dramatic rate, because I perspire and then become agitated (which just makes my nerves worse). Sorting through my cloths, I picked just the right outfit - Sexy, but not over the top (I'm usually an understated kind of girl) and began sorting through all of my shoes and thinking they were all horrible. I consulted Wayne and even he asked, 'don't you have any others?' Panicked, I went to the closet and pulled out my 4 inch stilettos that had been retired to the land of 'I'm to old for this shit' and put them on to see if I could still walk in them. I went to the mirror, saw they looked good with my j...

Photos for the non-flash users

My photo albums on this site are all flash albums. At the request of my friends that can't download the flash application at work and don't have PCs at home, I am adding a few recent pics. Sorry guys, I shouldn't assume everyone has access to the latest technology (it's a good lesson so thanks for letting me know)... The photos I'm wearing red, were taken on July 12th & the one of Wayne & I was taken in Ireland. - Sorry Wayne has requested I take the one of him off :-(


Summertime is a strange and nostalgic time for me. Important things happened to me in the summertime. I met two very significant people on the very same summer day a really long time ago. One of them was my very first love and the other became one of the very best friends I have ever had. Three years later (also in the summertime), it was over between my love and I (the relationship anyway) and we were burying our friend. Every year since, when the anniversary of his death comes nearer, I am sucked back to those years when we were all together and then reminded of having to say good-bye. Just last night, I sat up with my husband talking about it all. I laughed & cried and told my stories (probably the same stories I tell every summer). Each year, he always listens patiently as I try to make sense of it. Each year, I remember less of my dear friend's face and voice and I struggle with the guilt of it; and then there are the years & years of my old love and I and wh...

Change is good(?)

Yesterday's entry made me realize how much I've changed in the last few years. Some years back, I was going through self analyzation faze. I wanted to figure out what it was about me that I might need to change in order to be a better person and to have a happier life. I knew I need to consult someone who really knew me, but wouldn't be afraid to be honest with me. I decided to consult the one person that has not only seem me at my very best, but at my very worst and somehow, always loved me anyway. So, I went to my PC and sent him an instant message asking if he'd be willing to talk for a minute. He agreed, and I got straight to the point and asked him what my biggest flaw was. He didn't have to think about it. I saw on the bottom of the screen that he was typing a message and I tried to prepare myself for his answer. A million things went through my head - you're too sensitive, you're too sarcastic, you're too quick tempered, you're a dram...

The cynic I've become...

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a girl's house I know from the gym to do a cosmetics party (I have a small side business where I do wedding make-up and sell cosmetics). The next day, I realized my daily planner was missing. The planner was a gift my husband bought me for starting my business. I always wanted a really good one. It's a pink, designer make, high quality leather with all the organizer bits you can need. I loved it and even have a special pen for it that has rhinestones down the clip. When I realized it was missing, I was just heartbroken. I called the girl and asked her to look for it. She did, but to no avail - it was gone and considering it's an expensive planner, I was sure it was stolen. Every time I went to the gym and saw any of the girls that were there that night - I sized them up wondering if it was them who stole it. It really bothered me and I'm not really sure why because Wayne promised if it didn't show up, he'd buy me a new ...

Chasing Cars

While in Ireland, my husband and I were relaxing in our room listening to the new Snow Patrol CD when the song 'Chasing Cars' came on. He told me that a friend said it was the best song ever written. I thought, that's quite a statement - ' The best song ever written '. There are a lot of great songs. I don't think I could ever pick just one, so it made me want to listen to the song more closely. I listened to it and it's an absolutely beautiful song and I can find parts of it that I can relate to on so many levels not only now with my husband, but with other times of my life as well. It's a touching powerful song about being in love, but the person who said it was the best song ever written, to my knowledge, has never been really been in love or in any meaningful relationship. When I listen to this song, I can't help to wonder what it makes him think of to warrant being the best song ever written . I wonder if there is a part of him that we ...

The state of the world

When I heard about what happened yesterday with the terrorists being caught, I have to admit I avoided watching the news until this morning when I watched NBC Nightly News (I record it every night and watch it in the morning with my breakfast) and although, I had already heard most of the details, I have to admit that I was shaken by what I heard. The flights they planned to target were all flights to the US from here. It doesnt exactly give me a feeling a well being for my next flight home (albeit they caught them before they could carry out their plans). I'm saddened by the state of the world. I'm saddened by the war, the hatred and the suffering. I'm convinced that is there is a God, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I liked it so much better when I knew little about what goes on in this world. My little bubble was safe and as ignorant as it was - it was comfortable. Now that I see what goes on, I almost wish I could go back to my ignorant little bubbl...

Ireland - Day 3 - Dingle Peninsula

On our third day in Ireland we went on a scenic drive of the Dingle Peninsula which takes at least a half day to drive and took us even longer because we stopped at so many places. Dingle was by far my favorite place in Ireland. It was the most beautiful place I've ever been to. There were many stops along the way to stop and take photographs. To the north is the towering Brandon Mountain, while the west cost has spectacular seascapes. The drive also had many historical sites like huts, cemeteries and a church that dates back to the 6th century. We stopped at every site the guide pointed to as areas of interest. We stopped at one of the cliff heads for about 3 hours where we had a picnic (from a picnic basket the hotel packed for us) and after, we hiked and climbed to the top. As tiring as it was - it was by far the best views we had all day and well worth it. On the way back, we saw in the distance what looked like a ruin of a castle or a watch tower. It was in the middl...

An American Style Fridge

Over the weekend we got a new refrigerator. We got an 'American Style' fridge it's a whirlpool side by side fridge freezer with water and ice maker and it's lovely! Americans might wonder why this is such exciting news for me. It's because here in the UK everything is small and the fridge we've been living with was the size that belonged in an American dorm room not a house with two adults living in it! It wasn't even frost free so if you put anything too close to the back of it they would freeze and the stuff on the door never got cold enough. Being a person who cooks meals from scratch with all fresh ingredients, we never had enough space in the fridge for all the food after shopping. We have a vegetable cart that sat next to it and on hot days, the veg actually partially cooked sitting in the hot kitchen and would go bad a day after buying it. Last week - I finally had enough and we went out and got our MASSIVE 'American style' fridge. I...

Ireland - Day 2 - The Lakes of Killnary

On our first full day in Ireland, we decided to stay local and explore Killnary (the city our hotel was in). In our guide book, there was a whole section on the Lakes of Killnary and since the pictures looked beautiful, we started there. We spent the entire day walking through nature trails exploring the different lakes and wooded areas. In the morning it was quite overcast so I started with black in white film knowing that the color film would end up grainy and grey, but I wasn't happy with the results I got with the black and white either. The photos don't do the area justice at all. The clouds hung over the mountains like a low deep fog and the sun made the sky glow behind the clouds. Later in the afternoon, the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day. We found different places in the guide book to visit and spent the day wondering around woods and the the nature trails of national parks trying to find the spots in the book. We walked miles upon miles ...

Back From Ireland

We've been back from Ireland since very late Tuesday night. Wednesday, I thought it would be a good idea to get right back to the gym and met with my trainer for a full workout. Thursday, I spent the day recovreing on the couch watching movies and catching up on TiVo (too tired to do much else because we spent most of our vacation hiking and climbing through the woods, hills and cliffs of Ireland so it wasn't a very 'relaxing' holiday). Friday morning, I met with Dan (my trainer) again and had a job booked for that night and worked until quite late. We've been spending our weekend relaxing alone together and staying out of the heat. I have a bunch of photos to upload from our trip (one of them is above). I'm not quite the photographer I dream of being, but it doesn't ever stop me from taking roll after roll of pictures when ever we travel. I'm passionate about photography, but always end up disappointed when we get the pictures back because they...


Today was one of those days for me. One of those days I can only describe as a 'female' day. A day I felt down in the dumps and horribly depressed for no real reason (besides the obvious). I've been just laying on the couch hiding from the world. No work today, no sunbed like I'd planned to do after my workout that never happened. I just laid on the couch feeling depressed. I caught up on TiVo until there were no shows left to watch and then I popped in my Elizabethtown rental that's been sitting on top of our DVD player for weeks now. I almost sent it back without watching it because it's gotten such bad reviews and it's rare I see a movie I like these days. I loved it. It's been a really long time since I've gotten really sucked into a movie. I've worried as of late that I've become too cynical to watch movies in that kind of way, but it happened today. I got sucked into this make believe world of some fictional character and I go...

Off to Ireland

We're leaving tomorrow. I checked the forecast again and it's still showing rain, but now it shows one good day of sun. I'm hoping for the rain to keep pushing back, but it's doubtful. Although, our tickets still haven't arrived from the travel agent so who knows... It's 8:00 in the morning and it's already over 70 degrees. Looks like it will be another hot one today. I'm actually looking forward to escaping the English weather for some of the Irish cooler summer weather. Who would have thought I'd want to leave somewhere warm for somewhere cooler? It seems like a silly thing to do for a trip away, but I'm suffering through the heatwave with no escape. Come winter, I'll be complaining about the long dark winter as well. I wonder if I'll ever get used to life in England.

Summer Weather

God, it's hot. It's 10 in the morning and I already feel like I need a another shower from sweating so much! Living without air conditioning really takes some getting used to (spoken like a spoiled American). This is England; I was told that English summers aren't hot, but this is my second really hot summer and tomorrow, it's going to get even hotter. It should reach over 100 and with no air conditioning or screens in my windows it looks like me and the cats will have to start to get creative with keeping cool. How do you have indoor cats with no window screens? It's no wonder they let their cats roam about in this country. With no window screens it's pretty difficult to keep them from just jumping right out. I suspect they'll spend the day out in the back yard for the next few days because there's just no other way around it the windows and back door need to stay opened. Good thing we have a fence out there! I checked the weather for our trip ...

Feeling kinda guilty...

On the 8th, I wrote a bitter entry about an interview I saw on TV during which there were some 'unfriendly' remarks about Americans. I got quite a few emails and comments on this entry and I'm feeling kinda guilty about ever writing it for more than one reason... Firstly, it makes my husband seem like a bit of a jerk which he's not. Far from it or I wouldn't have moved 5000 miles away from my friends and family to live here with him (nor would I have married him). Sure he laughs at the odd American joke (as do most British people), but he's a wonderful man and I'm crazy about him. I also have to give him credit where credit is due because the poor man has had to take the brunt of my emotions on more than one occasion (to no fault of his own)! Too many times he's been guilty by nationality and he's taken it really well every time. I wouldn't want anyone to think anything different. Second - I know there are people who visit this blog who are...

Why the world needs Superman

Last night, I saw Superman Returns. The movie was good, but as always with movies these days, was a bit too long and the plot needed a little help. Although I wonder if it was the first Superman Movie I've ever seen, if I'd have the same issues with it. Either way, it's not as if I walked out thinking it was a waste of time or money because at the end of the day, I liked the movie. There was a little girl sitting in front of me about the same age I was when I saw Superman for the first time and I wondered if she was sitting there falling in love with him the way I fell for Christopher Reeves. It was good to watch a superhero in action. A superhero I grew up with and saw on the big screen when I was a child. Superman represents something to me that Batman, Spiderman and the others don't because I was already grown by the time the movies came out. Superman, in my eyes is the real superhero. Throughout the movie, I found myself thinking things like, 'Hurry Sup...

Ireland next week!

Next week, we leave for a five day holiday to Ireland. We're going to Kerry and I'm looking pretty forward to it considering I have no idea what's even there. Wayne picked it because he wanted to see the countryside and the trip is his birthday gift so he gets to go where ever he pleases. I've seen pictures of the countryside and it looks absolutely fabulous and I'm bound to take some beautiful pictures! We were supposed to go on this trip last year, but it was before I got my visa and we had already left the country a few times and thought we should re-schedule rather than take the risk of being turned away when we got back to England. We haven't been away for any longer than a weekend (other than for a visit back home) since we got married so we're in need of some time away for a bit of a recharge. Maybe the time away will allow me to come back with some fresh eyes and I'll see things a bit different (fingers crossed). Either way, I'm looki...

My weekend

To update the entry below... The ride to the in-laws was not quite as bad as expected considering I had my little outburst before we even left and the result was a very quiet ride. Not a word was said the whole way up. I had 3+ hours to come to terms with the fact that although my husband could be a bit more sensitive to my feelings, he wasn't really responsible for my mood and as we got close to his parents house, I reached for his hand and we quietly held hands the rest of the way. I guess neither one of us felt much like apologising, but we never stay angry for very long. The weekend went well. No big dramas and I'm glad to be home. I have an appt for my latest web project in about an hour and I'm still in my pajamas so I guess I should run...

Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

Did anyone see Friday Night with Johnathan Ross last night? (for those of you in the US - it's a British R-Rated, Jay Leno type show) He had on the actor Dominic Monaghan (who plays Charlie on Lost). While discussing the show, Dominic (who I really liked before last night) said the problem with the cast of Lost is that there are too many bloody Americans. To Which Jonathan Ross replied, 'Isn't that the problem with the world'? The audience roared with laughter and applauded (so did my husband as if he's not married to one of those bloody Americans and laying on the couch with her watching the damned show). It didn't stop there. they went on to talk about how much it annoys them that we destroy the language etc etc etc... It was yet again, another example that leads me to believe that this type of attitude is the general feeling that all people in this country seem to have. Wayne says I'm wrong, but I sometimes wonder if he too shares this opinion. ...

A brief update...

I haven't blogged in a while. I've been so busy with my new business, web training and working on my current web job that I haven't had time for much else other than going to the gym. I haven't even had the time to keep in touch with the expats that have made contact within the last month or so and apologise for that, but after this weekend things will die down for a while because I haven't booked any new business until the end of the month (sadly). Last week, it actually felt like I was working a full time job! I worked on my web job on my off time, and had appointments and functions for my new business 3 days last week. It didn't really drum up much new business, but it at least gave me the confidence to move forward with some leads I've been meaning to follow up on. With any luck, things will start to pick up. My web job has been going really well. I'm still in the design fazes, but am enjoying it immensely and I'm learning a lot. It been ...

What's your story?

I just saw an advert for a theme park they have out here and was reminded of the following story - Have you ever had one of these sort of days?... I once had a guy dump me on a roller coaster. I didn't see it coming - everything was fine all day and I thought we were having a great time together and then, while going up to a very large drop, he said, "I think we should break up. I can still almost hear the creaking of the wood panels and the cranking sound of the chain pulling system that brought the car to the top.  I was shocked; my head swung to my side to look at him in disbelief and all I could think to say was, 'What??', I probably would have cried or maybe even choked him, but just then, we started our plummet to the track below and all I could do was scream. Who knows what caused him to choose that very moment to dump me (only to change his mind later). Maybe he thought I couldn't react too violently or badly while strapped into the the car of a roller c...


UPDATE - After a nearly a week working on it and trying a load of different software packages, I was able to recover all of my lost data (except my emal contacts and messages, but beggers can't be choosers)! Phew, I feel so much better! My computer crashed for some unknown reason, so with everything backed-up to a secondary hard drive, I did a system restore. For some reason that I still don't know, the system formatted and did the the restore to the back-up drive and I ended up losing everything. Everything! I'm sick about it. Even now as I type I'm sick to my stomach when I think about all that I lost. Everything I've done for my web training (including all of my websites I've done) - gone! Every document, every email, every contact from my address book, every piece of music I've paid for and downloaded, every photograph and every file - Gone! I just got my first job doing a website for my personal trainer. I've already submitted the design...

When did I grow up?

Occasionally, I like to put on my favorite radio station from back home. It feels good to hear the familiar voices of the DJs and hear the music I used to listen to; although a lot of it seems pretty dodgy these days - my taste in music has changed considerably since I've moved here. It seems that every time I put on the station, they're playing Bruce Springsteen (typical of a NJ radio station I guess) and I almost immediately want to turn it off, but suffer through to see what else they'll play. This morning they played a song that reminded me of a time that seems to be a lifetime ago and I'm suddenly realizing that I'm so much older than I feel and how long ago it was that I was a teenager experiencing things for the first time. It's funny how I'm still making some of the same mistakes now that I did then. I guess some lessons are never learned. I just can't believe it's been nearly 20 years since I fell in love for the first time or that it...