I know it's been forever since I have written anything worth reading. I am wondering as I type if there could possibly be anyone left that actually checks this site anymore.
I don't know why I haven't written. I guess it's the start of winter. It tends to bring me down because I feel so crappy all the time. The last few weeks I have been just keeping to myself when Wayne's not around and when he is, I'm quite happy just being with him.
I am still working on teaching myself web development, but have not done a site yet because quite honestly, every time I set out to so a simple site (which I could easily do) - I think it's not good enough and decide to wait until I learn how to do everything I want to do. It will be a while longer I'm sure. I'm making good progress though, but do wish a lot of the time I had a teacher that could give guidance when need be. Since I don't, it will just take me that much longer to get through it. Such is life...
To those of you who still bother to check this blog - I will try to start updating daily or at the very least a few times a week.