Yesterday, under my technical difficulties post, someone left a comment trying to start a fan club for me here on this site. Now, this is plain silliness and I am quite honestly, too embarrassed to be flattered about it! I spent hours while trying to sleep last night, trying to figure out who it was that left the comment and for the life of me, I just don't know! There was another post from someone who identified themselves as fan club member who knows me so well, that they practically were able to comment on my behalf! I also have no idea who this could have been!
This blog has been a phenomenon for me. I have heard from people that I haven't heard from in years that have found me by going to this site. To name just a few, I have heard from someone from high school, a former colleague, reunited with an old & dear friend and have also heard from a past love that also visits the site from time to time (despite what light they my be depicted in when I write about my past relationships). It's been quite extraordinary.
Yesterday's comments from people I can't imagine who they might be, made me Google myself. I entered my first name, my maiden name, old married name, and my user name (the one I have used as long as I can remember) and it's all becoming clear. I found not only this site, but forums I belong to, profiles from other email accounts and the most surprising was a photograph from my 10 year high school reunion I have never even seen before!! If you have never done this using your name - give it a try. It was very interesting experience.