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Showing posts from September, 2005

On being 30-something...

I started working out again this week.  Mainly, because I was so depressed about how I looked in all of the photos from my trip home (It appears some were happier with them than I was).  Most of the pictures that were half way decent, my body was blocked by someone else!  Is this my fate now that I'm thirty-something -  A never ending diet and workout regime? I don't even like to working out! How is it that something that is supposed to be so good for you can make you feel like you are going to die? I didn't think I looked my age until recently, I saw a picture of me and Dougie's 18 year old girlfriend and for the first time, I was horrified to see that I actually look 30-something (I'll be sure not to sit next to her too often when we're out)! You would think that this fan club silliness would have lifted my confidence in some way, but it hasn't.  Most of you that have participated haven't seen me in many years and I'm sure remember the girl I once ...

Googled Myself

Yesterday, under my technical difficulties post, someone left a comment trying to start a fan club for me here on this site.  Now, this is plain silliness and I am quite honestly, too embarrassed to be flattered about it!  I spent hours while trying to sleep last night, trying to figure out who it was that left the comment and for the life of me, I just don't know!  There was another post from someone who identified themselves as fan club member who knows me so well, that they practically were able to comment on my behalf!  I also have no idea who this could have been! This blog has been a phenomenon for me.  I have heard from people that I haven't heard from in years that have found me by going to this site.  To name just a few, I have heard from someone from high school, a former colleague, reunited with an old & dear friend and have also heard from a past love that also visits the site from time to time (despite what light they my be depicted in when...

Last Night

Last night, Dougie (Wayne's Friend) came over.  He needed help with some stuff on his laptop and came over with it for me to look at.  I should probably start by saying I know I never have anything good to say about Doug because I don't agree with his lifestyle - Womanizing very young girls (is that a contradiction of terms or what?), drunken behavior and his cheating ways when he is in a relationship that is supposed to be exclusive, But Doug isn't all bad.  He is a really good friend to Wayne and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for him (that alone scores points with me).  He picked us up from the airport at 6:30 in the morning and brought us bottled water, milk and bread just in case we didn't have any food in the house.  He also looks out for me by not letting any of his friends smoke in my presents knowing quitting has been difficult. There are a number of sweet kind-hearted things he does for us so, the thing about Dougie is I really like him, but he ...

Asking for a ride in England

I have just been made aware of the fact that if I ask someone for a ride here in England, instead of asking for a lift, I am actually requesting sex!!  It's things like this that are so hard to get used to!  It's not like there is a handbook that comes with your visa - Although there should be!! Some other things I have learned since arriving here... ** A fag is a cigarette, not a distasteful word for homosexual, so you can imagine my surprise when my husband asked me for the 1st time after kissing me (when I still smoked), if I was just sucking on a fag! ** A toilet is the word for restroom not just the thing you sit on (the word restroom just gets you a blank look when asking for directions to the nearest bathroom). ** Pants are actually underwear here not trousers, so while walking down the street talking to my husband saying, 'I think I'll wear my black pants tonight', gets me some pretty interesting looks from passer-byers! ** A period refers to menstruati...

Back from the Sates

Due to the time difference, it takes forever to feel right after returning from the states.  Our flight is always a night flight so we can get an extra day with friends and family.  We suffer for it later because we don't sleep on the plane and we arrive in London in the morning.  We come home, unpack, sleep for a couple of hours and get up until the evening to try to get on England time.  In the end, we end up with only about 2 or 3 hours of sleep in a 36 hour time span.  It fucks with your body clock and after 5 days back, we still feel like hell.  Wayne is sleeping now (It's 2pm) after being up all night and I slept until 3pm yesterday and didn't get to sleep last night until 3am.  I got up this morning at 10 so hopefully, I'm getting back on track. The trip went well.  My visa appointment was so easy, it was ridiculous!  All that stress and preparation for 10 minutes at a window passing paperwork back and forth.  It was no more diffi...