Yesterday, Wayne & I went to a breeder of a type of cat called Tonkinese. They are beautiful cats that have dog-like personalities and they're also known to be easy on people who tend to be allergic to cats (for those who visit that are sensitive to them).
The loss of Milo has been difficult for me and although I would love to have another, I know in my heart that a dog just wouldn't be practical for us at this stage of our life. So, Wayne suggested we get a pair of sibling kittens (so that when we are away they can keep each other company whether it be home alone or in a cattery during long trips). We researched dozens of breeds and this breed is exactly what we were looking for.
The breeder had two boys available and although they are not the colors we initially wanted, we fell in love with them anyway (it's hard not to love those little faces). We will be picking them up on Sunday afternoon and I am just thrilled at the thought of having them. It's been a great void for me here without the pitter-patter of little feet (on four legs) and I am looking forward to them adding to our lives here in England and them helping with making it feel a bit more like home. I have attached a picture of them along with their sisters. They are the very fist to the left and the last on the right (in the tunnel). I will add pictures when we have them home.