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Playing with my new lens...

I got a new camera lens for my birthday last week.  I don't have a lot of time to play with it, but this is one of the first shots I took...
Recent posts

A Plastic Plant

I was talking to a close friend the other day about this blog.  I told her if this blog was a plant that needed my time and attention, it would have shriveled up and died a long time ago.  I told her that maybe it's time I shut it down and say good-bye to Pond Hopper.  She said, 'So it's a plastic plant. It doesn't need your time or attention.  All it needs to do is sit there until you need it.  Your blog has helped other people in the same situation feel less alone.  Your blog has helped you through the rough times.  It's your connection to the rest of the world when you feel you don't have one.  It's given you your voice' She is a good friend.  Everything she said was true, but here is my real problem I've had in recent years with this blog - Too many people know about it.  I know, that's what most people want out of a blog right?  That was never my intention though.  I know it may not seem it because I don't have tons of c...

Thank Goodness!

Let me start by saying all of my tests of come back and I have been given the all clear from the doctors! Phew!  I can't say how stressed I was over the whole thing! I actually got word last week, but I am only just coming out of a 10 day viral haze.  I haven't been so sick in ages!  I didn't move off the couch the whole time.  The stress probably wore me down.  Either that or I picked something up on one of the many doctor/hospital visits I've had lately.  What ever I picked up was nasty!  I had some sort of virus that caused a throat infection with painful ulcers.  I wasn't able to eat much more than jell-o for the best part of a week!  The upside is I lost a good amount of weight and hey, it's not fatal so I can't complain can I? I've been catching up on Christmas preparations (and every day life), but wanted to make sure I gave an update!  Thank you so much for all the well wishes!

Scary stuff

A few weeks ago, I found a lump in my breast.  I was in the shower.  I thought I felt something, but my first reaction was to not let my mind go there so I quickly moved on.  A few minutes later, I checked again and confirmed it was indeed a lump.  I finished my shower (and my day) trying not to think too much about it.  That night I asked my husband to see what he thought.  We went to the doctor the very next morning. In short, the doctor referred me to a specialist and told me I'd get an appointment in the mail.  About a week later, I saw the specialist who referred me for more tests.  I had a mammogram on Monday and today I have an ultrasound.  Scary stuff right? Because we never know when the appointments are going to be, my husband can't plan for it and arrange to be with me.  I've had to see the specialist and have the tests on my own.  This is one of the worst things about living in a foreign country - when my husband can't...

Feeling the rain

After I worked out today, I went into the kitchen for a bottle of water and saw the pouring rain out my patio door.  There are few times I can think of wanting to feel the rain more. Without a thought, I went out and stood in the rain.  English rain is cold, but today it felt incredible.  I live in a very public place, but in that kind of weather there was wasn't a soul in sight.  I thought about twirling, but the grown up in me squashed the notion. What I did do though was close my eyes and raise my chin toward the sky to let the rain fall on my face.  In my mind I slowed it all down and took it in.  I swear in those few moments I felt every drop. I've always loved the rain.  I  love the sound of it and like to open the windows and listen to it while drifting off to sleep on stormy nights.  Even as a child I would love to go out and play in. When I got older, I found it sensual and and dreamed of romantic moments that would play out u...

Fight Club for Five Year Olds - Part 2

The other mother and I went into the school to meet with the teacher and the assistant head.  We both let them know how upset we were that we were not informed that our children were sent to the office and how much we were against the children being allowed to play fighting games on the playground.  I told them I wouldn't allow it at home and I'm really unhappy that it's being allowed at school.  They admitted it was a problem and explained that they are planning to introduce a a scheme to teach the children to play in a safe way.  They will be calling it 'Super Hero Training'.  They plan to give out capes & masks out to children who behave well as rewards at playtime.  They will have assemblies where they will teach the children to play fighting games without making contact.  I find this to be absurd.  The problem has gone on to long and I doubt they will be able to teach little children to change their games when they have sixty other childr...

A much needed ego boost

Yesterday after the school run, another mom and I decided to let the kids play for a while.  We were walking to their house together when a group of guys called out to us.  It was basically the English version of 'Yo Yo Baby you're looking fine!' don't ask me to repeat it because I can't even type an English accent (even after all of these years).  I was walking with a twenty-five year old girl so I assumed she was the target of their outburst and ignored them.  Then one called out, 'Hey there gorgeous! You in the grey - you are beautiful!'  I was so shocked that he was talking to me, I laughed out loud!  In hindsight the poor guy probably thought I was laughing at him.  The truth of the matter was that I could have run up and hugged him! My confidence is at a low right now.  In the last year I have gained 25 lbs.  My arthritis has gotten much worse and I wasn't able to workout for months.  I ballooned.  Over the summer I hated pu...